Does your child love taking every tissue out of the tissue box? What about rolling all the toilet paper off the roll? Who doesn't!?
This very simple homemade toy will help your infant or toddler explore that concept over and over again with out going though all your paper towels.
Use any type of container with a plastic lid and make holes in the top, the container pictured right is a formula container (we use those for tons of stuff) then place a long ribbon inside and push it out through the holes. The toddlers exploring below use yogurt like containers with a simple cross hole. The infants holes are a bit larger for pieces of rope but the smaller are probably more fun to pull through.
You can also get creative with knots or bells on the strings.
When we are done we encourage them to help us put the ribbon back for the next friend to use it. If you knot the ends together they will pull the top off when they are finished!